
We offer a unique way to send custom greeting cards. We print your custom cards, stuff the envelope, address it, lick the stamp and send out the cards for you.

Our system is more convenient and much less expensive than store-bought cards anywhere in Australia.

Our sophisticated software allows you to upload any digital picture or photo to our website. When you upload the photo you have the ability to customise the photo and create your own custom greeting cards.

You can customise the entire card from front to back, including the inside.  All panels are included, except for the back of the card which is where you can fully brand the back of your card for a flat fee.

We can even put your handwriting in the card! That’s right. What we do is we take a sample of your handwriting and create your own font. That way when you type a message into the computer we can send it in your handwriting with your signature!

These cards look great and are ideal for personal and professional use.   They are big 5×7″ greeting cards. We can even do postcards.

To get started today or try a free sample, please call me on: +61 0414 927 117

***We also offer this as a service: Should you want one of our professionals to send out your card campaign for you this can be arranged for each campaign. If you have more elaborate customisations or need the help of our design professionals, they are available to help you as well. (For $70 per hour).

Please note that Mala Webber (Cards-Online.com.au) is an Independent Distributor for SendOutCards.com